Halal Development Corporation


Halal Development Corporation

As the Halal industry grew, HDC grew with it. And quickly. Taking on new responsibilities, expanding its footprint and collaborating with various stakeholders. But the business lacked structure, had no clear strategy to build its brand and compete with more aggressive regional countries eager for the a piece of the Halal pie.

Much of the information available to HDC was anecdotal or conjecture. Communications were often campaign focussed and lacked strategy while effectiveness of channels was not measured.

Domestically, while data was limited there appeared to be confusion over the roles and responsibilities of different organisations such as Jakim, JSM and HDC.


We realised that to develop a strong brand strategy we needed hard actionable data on the internal and external perceptions, messaging, communications, brand & more.

We developed an end to end brand audit to identity what needed to be addressed BEFORE developing a brand strategy that would deliver on the value requirements of the multiple stakeholders.

The brand audit formed the foundations for the development of a brand strategy that provided clear direction for the development of the brand internally and externally.

  • The brand was better understood internally and personnel were clearer on what was expected of them to take the brand forward.
  • Externally, HDC was able to differentiate itself from other agencies, avoiding any negative associations with those organisations.