Gas Malaysia Energy Services


Gas Malaysia Energy Services end to end brand audit to drive the brand strategy

In 2023 the Malaysian Government liberalised the Gas distribution market, allowing other players in. After operating as the sole gas shipper in Malaysia for 30 years, GMES suddenly found itself having to compete with more aggressive, commercially driven competitors.

In order to strengthen the brand & develop a brand strategy to compete in this more competitive environment, GMES needed to up its game considerably & quickly.

Fusionbrand was appointed to carry out a comprehensive brand audit targeting both internal and external stakeholders to begin the brand building process. And they wanted it done quickly.


As a B2B company, it was imperative for us to understand what specific stakeholders expected from a supplier such as GMES. So Fusionbrand developed a bespoke brand audit to identify internal understanding & perceptions of the brand & branding to determine where to start with the internal brand strategy before attempting to build the brand externally.

Externally we investigated perceptions of stakeholders & any gaps between what GMES thought they were delivering & what those stakeholders received as well as communications improvements.


The brand audit provided the foundations for internal alignment of the brand culture so as to meet stakeholder requirements for value.

Corporate wide brand training was required to get everyone on brand with a retention focussed, customer driven culture to block the competition & grow profits.